Septime once told me:
The world is a lie
we see what we're ment to watch
but who is the meaner?
Out of uncounted dimensions that make up reality we only percieve a small number. Only what fits into our construction of reality will be percieved, the rest neglegted.
Seeing eyes
blind mind
unknown colors
sing unheard
of many worlds
in one.
There are many things that elude our perception on purpose. They are right in front of our eyes but we edit them out before they reach our concience. The purpose of this inconcievability I can not yet fathom, but I will strive to do so. If there is a purpose, there must be a deciever.
Montag, 14. Dezember 2009
Mittwoch, 25. November 2009
Learn to love the paradox.
How do Laurent and Septime see the world?
That is how it works, according to the more rational Laurent: Twin perception brings forth two different subjective realities. In the overlapping minds of Laurent and Septime both perturbations by the commonly percieved world are compared as with binocular vision. Comparing two points of view makes it possible to triangulate between realities. That sounds complicated. And it is. Anyway, Laurent and Septime have a very sophisticated view on the world and share it with anybody willing and able to listen.
While rational Laurent can elaborate the mechanics of their perception, he is not able to deal with its complexity. Only Septimes irrational approach is able to gain understanding. This emotional and poetic way is beyond Laurents mechanistic view on the world. There is one exception: Septime communicates with Laurent on an emotional level when Laurent is dreaming since then his ratio is not trying to understand what is not to be understood.
Learn to love the paradox. There is no reality but there is an infinite number of realities. The same goes for truth. Once you accept that ways will open.
Worlds worlds apart
converge in concious unconciosness
through dreams I see the unseen
That is how it works, according to the more rational Laurent: Twin perception brings forth two different subjective realities. In the overlapping minds of Laurent and Septime both perturbations by the commonly percieved world are compared as with binocular vision. Comparing two points of view makes it possible to triangulate between realities. That sounds complicated. And it is. Anyway, Laurent and Septime have a very sophisticated view on the world and share it with anybody willing and able to listen.
While rational Laurent can elaborate the mechanics of their perception, he is not able to deal with its complexity. Only Septimes irrational approach is able to gain understanding. This emotional and poetic way is beyond Laurents mechanistic view on the world. There is one exception: Septime communicates with Laurent on an emotional level when Laurent is dreaming since then his ratio is not trying to understand what is not to be understood.
Learn to love the paradox. There is no reality but there is an infinite number of realities. The same goes for truth. Once you accept that ways will open.
Worlds worlds apart
converge in concious unconciosness
through dreams I see the unseen
The story of Laurent and Septime

Laurent, the upper ego sees more with his eyes while Septime prefers to see with their common heart. When he withdraws he can discern minute disturbaces in the web of „reality“ and therefore percieve beyond our conception of the world. That is how we met. Septime was able to sense and understand my unique and paradoxal state of being. Therefore he presuaded Laurent to step into my awareness and tell me their story.

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Yours sincerely,
Dora Asemwald
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